Natural Health Pain Relief ClinicDon't Hesitate to Call! (905) 891-2888 or (905) 891-6000

What is Chiropractic?

Chiropractic is many things: a philosophy, a science and an art. The foundation upon which it is built is the realization that health is the body's normal state and good health is perfectly natural. Chiropractors know that the body possesses a unique internal wisdom that continually strives to keep the body in a state of good health. This innate intelligence controls our heart rate, blood pressure, digestion and all vital bodily functions.


It is also the guiding, healing force which allows our body to self-heal and self-regulate, permitting us to adapt naturally to the influences of the internal and external environment. The ability of the body to maintain good health is dependent on its ability to adapt to the environment. Ensuring this capability is one of nature's most remarkable communication networks: the nervous system. The nervous system is comprised of the brain, the spinal cord and the nerves. The brain sends mental impulses to each of the more than 100 trillion cells in the body, instructing them on how to function properly. These mental impulses are transmitted from the brain via nerves passing through the spine. Vertebrae in the spine can become misaligned and will interfere with the body's natural communication process. These misalignments are referred to as subluxations.

Subluxations can arise from three types of stress-chemical, emotional and physical. The effect of spinal subluxation is interference of the nerve pathway to cell, tissue or organ. Without a normally functioning nervous system, the body's ability to self-heal and self-regulate will become impaired, resulting in poor health and dis-ease. Chiropractic seeks to identify and analyze subluxations. The Doctor of Chiropractic restores the body's nerve function by adjusting the misaligned spinal vertebra into its correct position. With nerve function improved, bodily processes are permitted to become more natural and healthy.

Chiropractic's aim is to ensure that the body's natural health-ensuring processes are allowed to function without nerve interference due to misaligned vertebrae. Chiropractic does NOT provide 'sickness' care, 'disease' care, or 'symptom' care. It provides HEALTH CARE. As a philosophy, Chiropractic recognizes that the body has a natural ability to express its health potential to the fullest. As a science, Chiropractic deals with the relationship between the spine and nervous system and its effect on the body's innate ability to express and maintain good health. As an art, it entails knowledge, skill and dexterity to locate and correct subluxations that impair and rob the body's ability to maintain optimal health and wellness.

Natural Health
Pain Relief Clinic

1495 Hurontario St.
Mississauga, ON L5G 3H7

Phone: (905) 891-2888
(905) 891-6000

Office Hours

(The office is closed from
11:30am to 3:00pm daily)

Monday - Thursday
9:00 am to 6:30 pm

9:00 am to 11:30 am

Copyright © Natural Health Pain Relief Clinic, 2016. All rights reserved.

